Finding Your Tribe: Tips on Overcoming Social Isolation and Making Friends.

Are you scared of making friends you can call your people? You know, the ones you can go to brunch with or play video games with until the sun comes up? Trust me, you’re not alone! Making friends can feel like trying to find a unicorn in a field of horses. But fear not! With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to building your squad. Let’s dive in!

  1. Be Yourself

This might sound cliche but authenticity is key! After all, you want friends who love you for you, not a version of you that comes with a filter. If your idea of fun is a cozy night in with a good book and blanket fort, own it! You might just attract fellow introverts who appreciate the art of staying in😊. Imagine pretending to like hiking, posting all those beautiful mountain pics and then your new friends invite you on a trail adventure. You’re sweating bullets😥, praying you don’t trip over a root! When they find out you’ve been faking it, it’s not just awkward, it’s a friendship faux pas.

  1. Embrace Your Interests.

First things first: do what you love! Whether it’s painting, hiking or mastering the art of the perfect avocado toast, find activities that spark joy. Not only will you be doing something you enjoy, but you’ll also naturally meet others who share your passions. Look for local community centers or online platforms that offer classes or groups in your area. A good example of online platforms are Eventbrite, Skillshare, Udemy and local centers like Nairobi National Park sometimes organize guided hikes and educational programs about nature and Alliance Francaise offer art classes and many more according to your interests.

  1. Get Involved

Join clubs, sports teams or volunteer organizations. Being part of a group gives you a built-in community and a reason to connect. Plus, nothing breaks the ice like a little team bonding. Just remember: teamwork makes the dream work, even if the dream is just surviving finals!🥰

  1. Start Small

Don’t feel the pressure to make best friends on day one. Start with small interactions, a smile here, compliment there. It could be having a conversation with someone in your class or saying hi to your neighbor. Think of it as planting little friendship seeds with a little care, they’ll blossom into something beautiful (hopefully not a weed😂)

  1. Reach out

Feeling brave? Take the plunge and invite someone to hang out! It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. A simple text to grab coffee, watch a movie, or simply take a walk with can lead to a fun outing. Just remember it’s okay if they say no. Not everyone is ready for a commitment but you will eventually find someone who is willing to.

  1. Be Patient

Building friendships takes time, so don’t rush the process. It’s perfectly normal to feel a bit awkward at first. Just remember, everyone else is probably feeling the same way. So, give it time like that cake you’ve been meaning to bake. You wouldn’t rush a good cake, right?😁

  1. Use Social Media Wisely

Social media can be a double edged sword. While it’s great for connecting, it can also amplify feelings of isolation and FOMO( Fear of Missing Out). Use it to your advantage! Join local groups or forums that align with your interests. You might find your future bestie lurking in the comments section of a meme about cats or a shared lobby. Connect with others who are also looking to make friends and remember, the highlight reels don’t always show the full story📱

  1. Celebrate the Small Wins

Every step counts! Did you have a great conversation with someone? Celebrate it! Made plans to hang out? High five yourself! Acknowledge your efforts, no matter how small. You’re putting yourself out there, and that’s something to be proud of!👏

Remember, it’s all about being open, genuine and a little adventurous. So put on your favorite outfit, take a deep breath, and get ready to meet some amazing people. Your future brunch buddies and gaming partners are just around the corner!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by social anxiety or just need someone to talk to, Hisia is here for you. Our therapy services can provide the support you need to build confidence and make meaningful connections. Don’t hesitate to reach out, let’s work together to help you find your tribe! Click here.

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